
Unlocking the full potential of grass

The solution to many challenges in the agricultural sector lies directly under our feet. Grassa makes 'normal' grass better. How? Through a natural process of pressing, heating and filtering. This unlocks the full nutritional value of grass. Four high-quality products are created that generate more profit and which are sustainable.

More about Grassa

A better alternative

For the Cow

Cows and other ruminants (such as goats and sheep) are the only animals that can eat grass. Unfortunately, the cow does not handle the richness from the grass as efficiently. 50-75% of the nutrients in the grass are turned into emissions and manure by the cow.

Grassa's solution is simple: unlocking grass and extracting precisely those nutrients that the cow would otherwise waste. Grassa uses the extracted nutrients – grass, protein and sugars – to make food for other animals and, in the long run, also for humans. The remaining decomposed grass is a high-quality and sustainable roughage that can be fed in the ration of dairy cattle instead of silage.

Placeholder for Gras met zonGras met zon

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Our circularity concept

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Fewer emissions

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Local & circular

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More food – same land use

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Better soil and biodiversity

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Climate positive

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Working with Grassa?


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We are proud that our concept contributes to many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But the grass is always greener with the neighbors. Will you help us make the grass greener… for everyone?

Curious about the possibilities?

Are you interested in our solutions or working together? Contact us!

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